Spotlight Research
UF Researchers Earn Grant to Teach Middle Schoolers About Shark Teeth Using AI
With the goal of recruiting more students to STEM and computer science careers, a cross-University team will partner with the Calvert Marine Museum in Maryland on a three-year, $1.3 million project funded by the National Science Foundation to teach Florida middle school teachers and students how to use artificial intelligence (AI) to identify fossil shark teeth.
Comic book introduces kids to key concepts and careers in cybersecurity
Cracking a code is one of many challenges the girls complete to help characters in CryptoComics escape a mysterious cyberworld into which they’ve been drawn.
University of Florida Receives $5 Million Gift from Kenneth C. Griffin to Boost Critical Computer Science Education for Teachers and Students
This initiative is designed to address the diverse needs of students in Florida classrooms and strengthen the state’s workforce, expanding upon existing efforts around teacher development and computer science inclusion.
Published Research
Toward a strengths-based model for designing virtual reality learning experiences for autistic users
Abstract This study presents a strengths-based framework for designing virtual reality experiences tailored to the needs and abilities of autistic individuals. Recognizing the potential of virtual reality to provide engaging and immersive learning environments, the...
Should We account for classrooms? Analyzing online experimental data with student-level randomization
Abstract Emergent technologies present platforms for educational researchers to conduct randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and collect rich data to study students’ performance, behavior, learning processes, and outcomes in authentic learning environments. As...
Stealth Assessments’ Technical Architecture
Abstract With advances in technology and the learning and assessment sciences, educators can develop learning environments that can accurately and engagingly assess and improve learners' knowledge, skills, and other attributes via stealth assessment. Such learning...