Published Research
Technologies, Strategies, and Supports Helpful to Faculty in the e-Mentoring of Dissertations
Abstract Prior research has established the importance of the supervisor-doctoral candidate relationship and highlighted the importance of mentoring practices for the successful completion of doctoral theses/dissertations in the online environment. This article...
The role of skepticism among adolescents’ online information literacy skills
Abstract Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the role skepticism plays among adolescents’ online information literacy skills. Design/methodology/approach The authors provide the conceptual grounding to operationalize and measure the notion of skepticism in...
The impact of teachers’ pedagogical beliefs, self-efficacy, and technology value beliefs on 3D printing integration in K-12 science classrooms
Abstract Teachers’ beliefs such as pedagogical beliefs, self-efficacy, and technology value beliefs are influential to technology integration practice. This study aims to investigate teachers’ beliefs and the impact on their 3D printing integration in science...
How are Elementary Students Demonstrating Understanding of Decomposition within Elementary Mathematics?
Abstract Decomposition is a foundational computational thinking construct that is often introduced early as students are learning computer science in the elementary grades. Although decomposition is often described in early computational activities, little research...
Going Beyond the Brick: Assessing and Supporting Creativity Using AI-Powered Digital Games
Abstract To support creativity, one should first assess it accurately. New techniques such as stealth assessment that use digital environments (e.g. digital games) can be used to assess and support creativity. In this paper, I discuss my passion for creativity and how...
Unreliable Continuous Treatment Indicators in Propensity Score Analysis
Abstract Propensity score analyses (PSA) of continuous treatments often operationalize the treatment as a multi-indicator composite, and its composite reliability is unreported. Latent variables or factor scores accounting for this unreliability are seldom used as...
An Introduction to Bayesian Knowledge Tracing with pyBKT
Abstract This study aims to introduce Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT), a probabilistic model used in educational data mining to estimate learners’ knowledge states over time. It also provides a practical guide to estimating BKT models using the pyBKT library...
How Teachers Influence Student Adoption and Effectiveness of a Recommendation System for Algebra
Abstract Advanced learning technologies (ALT) have become increasingly available to teachers for classroom use. Research has suggested that many factors can influence teacher adoption and fidelity of use of ALT in the classroom, including teacher beliefs, knowledge...
Propensity Score Analysis with Unreliable Covariates: A comparison of Five Reliability-adjustment
Abstract Propensity score analysis (PSA) is often used by researchers to control for selection bias due to multiple covariates in quasi-experimental studies. However, covariates with low reliability have been shown to lead to biased treatment effects estimates in PSA....
AI Made by Youth: A Conversational AI Curriculum for Middle School Summer Camp
Abstract As artificial intelligence permeates our lives through various tools and services, there is an increasing need to consider how to teach young learners about AI in a relevant and engaging way. One way to do so is to leverage familiar and pervasive technologies...